I was baptised in 2003 at the age of 14. And some of my JW friends were still tought to say that. Maybe some JWs still use it now
Alex Bogdanov
JoinedPosts by Alex Bogdanov
Being taught to explain rape when a kid
by purrpurr indoes anyone else recall in the 80s/90s that when the minor/child blood issue was discussed the jw children were taught to say that being forced to have blood would be like rape?
and then had to be able to explain what rape is?
apparently there was a court case were the drs were trying to get a court order to force a blood transfusion on a jw child, and the child said it would be like rape to her and the judge asked her to explain what rape is to see if she understood what she was saying.. that went round my cong at least as a "fine witness " and all the parents were encouraged to have their kids practice the whole "explain rape" thing.. anyone else remember this?.
To all Australian Elders,C.O's ect...Be warned!!!
by karter inafter the conviction of arch bishop phillip wilson for concealing sex abuse in the church and cardinal pell"s trial getting underway.. this leaves it wide open for the victims to seek redress.. if you are taken to court expect the wts to through you under a bus and wipe their hands of any blame.. if you think putting your assets in a trust or transfering them into your wife,childrens name...to late any lawyer will argue you only did that to stop any victim seeking redress.. i think the victims will all ready be contemplating their course of action and don't be surprised if court action is not far away.. karter..
Alex Bogdanov
Very good news Karter. Thank you. As this vile activity happened in one congregation not far from me in South Wales, UK. So this court decision is very important.
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It sucks too love boxing and being in a JW family
by Akid48 induring this new year i started to love boxing and i can only really do is shadowbox which is good training, but i really want to do more.
now you might be thinking ''why the heck would this kid take a likeing in boxing when he is in a jw family?
''well thats the point of this post it sucks that i cant do a sport that i like and i want to spend time doing because jw's dont let you do sports and dear god you wont be able to do something like boxing.. (i just made this because i just wanted to talk about this and some of you will understand if you wanted too do sports but you couldnt because you where a part of a jw family).
Alex Bogdanov
Hi Akid48, I think its not only boxing. It is everything that takes time away from the ministry. My parents are not JW, but my cousin was and I became JW when I was 13. I was always into something besides ministry. I was in drama class in school. I was playing for school's football team and I participated in local cycling competitions. Brothers and sisters from my congregation didn't appreciate it. They thought it is bad because I spend time with worldly people and I develop competitors spirit. Even though at 16 I became a pioneer they were still trying to tell me that I need to quit my wordly activities and do more for the organisation. I never understood that. I am a pioneer. I give away 3 hours a day of my life. How much more do they want? In the end of the day I am happy I never gave up my activities. Because when I grew up I had friends all over the place. But my JW peers have no one besides their congregation and have a very sad, boring life. But thats what they want who am I to judge. So if you like boxing continue with it but prepare for the pressure that will come from JWs. Hopefully your parents will understand you
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Random Musing of an ex-JW between a rock and a hard place.
by StarTrekAngel inmany of you may recall pass postings of mine where i mentioned my plans of moving away from my current neighborhood.
mainly because my office got moved and now my commute is about one hour each way.
my employer is pretty flexible so showing up on time, for now, is not an issue.
Material such as the film at the end of this years convention confirms that I was right to take my kids out the religion
by jambon1 init’s quite affirming to see the horrific material that they’re serving up at the convention this year.
aside from blatant homophobia, the scenes at the end of the convention that are discussed on another thread stoop to new levels of fear mongering.
it seems to occur to nobody inside the organisation that this kind of material could trigger fear, deprsssion, anxiety, stress.
Alex Bogdanov
Slimboyfat. I think they wouldn't defend the video. Because for them it is real. That is their life! A few weeks ago in Indonesia parents blew themselves up with their children. Do you think their were up for a debate? I don't think so. They were fully convinced that what ever they will do is good for their children. Same with JWs they are fully convinced that GB is concerned about their children so no matter what GB produces in JWs its beneficial for their children. Do I think that JW are radical Christians? Yes, JWs are a radical Christian faith.
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Random Musing of an ex-JW between a rock and a hard place.
by StarTrekAngel inmany of you may recall pass postings of mine where i mentioned my plans of moving away from my current neighborhood.
mainly because my office got moved and now my commute is about one hour each way.
my employer is pretty flexible so showing up on time, for now, is not an issue.
Alex Bogdanov
I wish you luck. You are in a very difficult situation. Cant really give you an advice. But maybe your wife can go to the meetings a few times just to please your MIL and stop asap. Me and my wife did it. We didn't want to shock the family so we were going to the meeting 4 times a month, 3 times a month, 2 times a month, 1 time a month until we fully stopped. It was very difficult, because every meeting was like a torture, but it worked. When we stopped going to the meetings nobody was surprised. So your wife can go a few times and when you will setle in the new house she can stop. I doubt that your MIL will go crazy and decide to move out. If she is that crazy then I pray for you
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Material such as the film at the end of this years convention confirms that I was right to take my kids out the religion
by jambon1 init’s quite affirming to see the horrific material that they’re serving up at the convention this year.
aside from blatant homophobia, the scenes at the end of the convention that are discussed on another thread stoop to new levels of fear mongering.
it seems to occur to nobody inside the organisation that this kind of material could trigger fear, deprsssion, anxiety, stress.
Alex Bogdanov
One of the BIG reasons why me and my wife stopped going to the meetings it is because of our son and the future baby. As soon as our son was born we made the decision to stop seeing so called brothers and sisters. Before we used to go to the meetings once a month. But we decided that our son has to be away from the crazy ideas that GB is spreading. The Organisation is very homophobic. I know a couple of JWs who hate their guts. I have no idea why. I was JW for a very long time and never had problems with LGBT community. Now JWs hate me even more because in my book that was recently published one of the characters is thinking about his sexuality and another character is an ex-JW.
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The emotionally manipulative techniques JW families use.
by stuckinarut2 ini am really disturbed by some methods that jw family members try and use to emotionally manipulate us back into the organization.. one of our fellow posters here has had a family member send several photos of them as a child either out witnessing, and at an assembly.. no words - just those pictures.. it seems such an infantile and manipulative technique to employ?!.
do they think that we will all simply ignore the logical and factual reasons we no longer attend, just because we see some sentimental picture?
do they not see that this actually may reinforce our understanding that we were raised as children in a high-control religious group where we had to please our parents.
Alex Bogdanov
A true family will love you no matter what and will never leave you. The majority of JWs don't have loving families. As only horrible person won't talk to a parent or a child depending on their religious views. I only wish a lot of courage to people who can't leave the Organisation because they know their family will turn their back on them. I know a couple of people myself who are trapped. I hope these people will become brave and not to be afraid to make the step. Bevause if their family truly loves them they won't stop interacting.
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Receiving so much hate recently....
by stuckinarut2 inwell, as you all know, my wife (unstuck) and i are not df or da.. we just stopped attending several years back after my "apostate" online activity was found by a nosey employee of ours while she was working in our office (long story if anyone wants to know - it would have to be another thread).
we never met with any elders - no congregation judicial activity occurred (as we would never consent to do so anyway).
so our policy has been to be the same kind, loving, normal people we have always been.
Alex Bogdanov
Dont worry Stuckinarut2. I personally find it funny how my decision made JWs angry. Think about how sad is their life if someone like me or you are leaving. We can't change anything, we can't affect minds of millions people, but JWs take it as an insult. I only laugh because it is crazy that some JWs mood depends on what I think about the GB 😂😂😂
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Alex Bogdanov
It is hilarious how GB say they don't need money as God is on their side. But when they have shortage of money it seems God doesn't support their ministry work. I am originally from Latvia and when I became a JW they were teaching that God is doing their work, not the money. But when in 2008 the global economic crises happened and people in Latvia couldn't donate as usual the GB decided that the ministry in Latvia is not important. They sold the Bethel building in the capital's centre. Got rid of the staff. Send a few brothers to Finland's Bethel to translate and make literature and opened a small office in Latvia with a few brothers. So from many people who worked for the Bethel only a few left. As well Latvia had nearly 100 missionaries and special pioneers all together. How I know not more than 10 left. So the BIG and IMPORTANT work that is directed by God fully depends on cash. The GB are a joke 🤣🤣
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